New MATLAB toolboxes versions 0.9.1
New versions (0.9.1) of our MATLAB® toolboxes have been released. The Mens X Machina Bayesian Network Toolbox has been renamed to Probabilistic Graphical Model Toolbox, because we intent to include functionality that covers other types of graphical models such as Maximal Ancestral Graphs (MAGs) and Pairwise Casual Graphs (PCGs) in the future.
New features in version 0.9.1 of Mens X Machina Probabilistic Graphical Model Toolbox include:
- Creating and sampling Gaussian Bayesian Networks
- More customizable MMPC via new parameters
- MMPC support for continuous data by employing the Fisher’s Z test of conditional independence
The most prominent addition in version 0.9.1 of Mens X Machina Commons Toolbox is the Fisher’s Z test of conditional independence.
Unfortunately, because the previous versions were the first ones and many things had not yet been settled, the new versions are not backward-compatible in general, but the Compatibility Considerations sections in the accompanying release notes should be helpful in migration. Hopefully, from now on the packages will be backward-compatible.