Βραβείο καλύτερου Poster της χρονιάς
Our work has been awarded with the Boeringer Ingelheim Cancer Research Award (Best Abstract / Poster of the Year) 2014 from the Norwegian Lung Cancer Group. This is joint work with our NTNU collaborators involving the analysis of case-control molecular profiles of lung cancer from the HUNT biobank. For more information see http://www.nlcg.no/node/122. The poster presented early research results of this on-going project, supporting the evidence that there is diagnostic information for lung cancer and mesothelioma in human serum. The full citation of the poster is:
Robin Mjelle, Trygve Andreassen, Vincenzo Lagani, Konstantinos Kerkentzes, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Tone Bathen, Erik Larsson, Oluf Dimitri Røe, ““HUNTing” early diagnostic biomarkers for lung cancer / mesothelioma : a pilot analysis from the Cancer-Biomarker-HUNT study”
Stay tuned for more upcoming results on this very promising, highly exciting project that could yield early prognostic and diagnostic markers of thoracic cancers.