Mens X Machina Probabilistic Graphical Model Toolbox (PGM Toolbox) aims to provide a comprehensive set of tools for Bayesian networks and other probabilistic graphical models.

Mens X Machina Bayesian Network Samples (BN Samples) is a collection of samples from several Bayesian networks. BN Samples is a supplement to the Mens X Machina Probabilistic Graphical Model Toolbox (PGM Toolbox).

PGM Toolbox and its supplement BN Samples are released under GPLv3.


The demos are also included in the toolbox download.




To use PGM Toolbox in MATLAB, add the “pgm/pgm” directory to the MATLAB path. See the MATLAB documentation for setting the search path. The “pgm/tests” directory contains MATLAB xUnit tests. xUnit must be on the MATLAB path in order to run the tests.

Previous versions


For any question, suggestion or bug report please contact Angelos P. Armen (